Track doc -File Tracking System (FTS)
File Tracking System - FTS is a web based application to monitor the pendency of receipts and files and assist in their easy tracking. It is an integrated package which has features right from diarizing of receipts/files, updating its status, opening of new files, tracking the movement of the files, dispatch of letters/files and finally records management. File Tracking System also captures and documents attached with the file and assignments for the file. It also allows users to put Notings on the file. Complete history of the File Movement and Action Taken on the File is maintained. File Tracking System deals with ‘creation of files to completion of files’ through the embedded softcopy of files. The authority can obtain status of any file at any time
- A seamless integration of paper and electronic information at your fingertips.
- Using a standard web browser the user can have instantaneous access to millions of documents.
- We define File Tracking System as the systematic management of active paper documents, documents and files stored off-site and documents converted to digital images. .
- Our FTS Software allows you to take an unbiased approach to the document storage and retrieval methodology used for any application.
- On the basis of that, you would be able to decide how, when, and where you would like to retrieve your documents, information and files.